Thursday, May 3, 2007

Week 5

This week we dived into our storyboard assignment.

i chose the blue part of the script, and we were allowed time in our tute to start doing a shot breakdown and start sketching thumbnails.
fun fun.

i was struggling a little because many of the shots were of the landscape.
it was tough deciding how i could capture the scene the most effective.

We discussed the dynamics of perspective and thumbnails today.
ill sum up the most important parts shall i....

Perspective ---> allows the artist to graphically depict 3D objects on paper or other media, as they exist in space.
Point of View (P.O.V.) ---> what you see from where you are looking.
Station Point ---> This is the point from which the viewer is looking from.
Picture Plane ---> a cropped portion of the scene. like looking through the camera lense.
Field of Vision ---> what the viewer sees while standing at a stationary point.
Convergence ---> Is the point in which all lines meet at one vanishing point.

Diminution ---> Decreasing or reducing some things as they are placed in perspective.
One-Point (Parrallel) Perspective---> has a horizon line and one vanishing point.

Two-Point (Angular) Perspective ---> has of two vanishing points that both horizon.

Three Point (Oblique) Perspective ---> has two vanishing points on the horizon
while a third point is above or below the horizon line.

Incline Plane ---> Incline planes are areas which slant to / away from the
main perspective grid by utilizing a third vanishing point directly above one main VP.
They dont have to be ridiculously small. as long as you get the main gist of what's going on within the layout, its all good!
Its best to use several 8 1/2" by 11" sheets of paper or a sketchbook and a black pencil.

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